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“Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” is Innate in All of Us…

Cover of "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"

Cover of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” is the classic book of compiled Dharma Talks by Shunryu ‪‎Suzuki‬ Roshi.
The title speaks directly to the Zen Buddhist (or just Dharma, in Japanese foundation) Teaching/Concept known as Shoshin, or Beginner’s Mind, and is elaborated simply and concisely in Suzuki-Roshi‘s expansion (and explanation) of the Book’s title, with the statement/ Dharma Teaching: “In the Beginner’s Mind there are Many Possibilities, In the Expert’s Mind, there are few.”

There’s no such thing a racist child (nor a Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish nor Christian Child, for that matter, but that’s Blog for another day 😉 )…The one’s making hateful comments were once as pure and innocent as these children. Racism is a learned, conditioned response to their surroundings– their parents & community. So the solution doesn’t lay in the “Next Generation,” change can only occur in the Here & Now, with education, understanding, & continued fostering of the pure state that still exist within us all (just buried deeper in some, than others.
Those that reacted to the commercial are a very small US population that intentionally seeks to incite conflict.
Just read the comments bellow for other examples. They are a small, but loud, ignorant & delusional group of instigators that this great video is responding to. Often it’s best to just ignore them and thus steal their fire, & spoil their intentions.
But other times, a powerful video like this can skillfully raise the awareness & Consciousness of their aggressive & harmful intentions.
For example; now following this video on YouTube are comments filled with Racist, Inflammatory, Anger-Inciting statements, which are responded to by others arguing (not helpful debating) and expressing more anger from the anti-racists commentators, in attempt to defeat the anger of angry racist. (Which is completely allowing those wishing to spread anger, hatred and intolerance to “win the battle” by producing their intended result…the inciting of anger, hatred and delusion, and the ongoing vicious cycle, which is what led Cheerios to remove all the comments, and ability to add any comments to the original commercial.

Yes, we have Freedom of Speech and Press, in the US, but more importantly is Freedom from Greed, hatred & Delusion (The Three Mental Poisons, or Kleshas,) which is Not in the US Constitution or Bill of Rights, but the Fundamental Teachings of the Buddha, as root cause of All Suffering (Dukkha.)

So, this is simply a video, without any good or bad (In general, Buddhist Dharma uses the terminology of Skillful or Unskillful, not Good or Bad, which are more concepts behind the belief in a “Personal, Creator God, as our Western, Judeo-Christian Society has evolved with this Paradigm and the Linguistics associated with it) Skillful simply means it’s an action that is leading towards Insight, and Unskillful is leading away from Insight or Vipassana (Insight, with an initial capital “I” denoted a specific point along the Path of Spiritual Liberation: “Insight into the True Nature of Reality” and marks the point of Stream-Entry, Experiential Emptiness, Shunyata, Realization of “No-Self” (Anatman in Sanskrit, Anatta in Pali) Which is the Antidote to the Three Mental Poisons, or Kleshas. (I have experienced Insight, which is an Experience that causes the dissolution of the sense of self as a separate entity. Not in an intellectual sense, in a way that cannot be explained in words, only Experienced…like Waking Up from a dream, and Truly Seeing, for the very first time that “this entity” that I call “me” or Ego, of this computer, the video, those people, that sunshine, are, in the most literal sense, not Real.
And THAT is What THIS BLOG is all about.

(Now, I can still say: “I” and “you” and interact in this shared Delusion of a Universe with separateness, Subject and Object Dichotomy, etc. But “I” see it as it is in Absolute Reality, not relative reality. (again, the use of initial capital letters denotes specific meaning in translating Buddhist, or Dharma (or Dhamma) terminology into English. I can still interact and engage with this relative reality, but the difference is that I also see the Absolute Reality. This World, as most of us know it, is very much like dream, or a game…something not Real, but I can still enter the dream, play the game, see the relative reality.

My most ernest wish, as a character in this dream world is to help others Awaken to Experience Insight, too Truly See Reality, for what it is, and continue along the path of Cosmic Evolution.
Practicing the Buddha-Dharma is the Path I was fortunate enough to find, and to learn and progress in “intensive” Meditation, and lastly, I met a friend whom had already Awoken to Reality, Experienced Insight, and was able with hardly any effort, with the aid of the foundation that I had set forth with, or from my Karma, my Intended Actions (Following the Buddha, The Dharma and the Sangha, or the Three Jewels, or Triple Gems of Buddhism) led directly to the arising of this Insight.

Buddhist Insight: How to become a Bodhisattva or Stream-Enterer: Welcome!

Welcome! How to Assist You to become Bodhisattvas or Stream-Enterer is the Primary Purpose of this Blog, How I Attained Sotāpanna or Stream-Entery or Became a Bodhisattva. Discussing Context & topics: Mindfulness, Happiness, Meditation, The Triple Gems or the Buddha, Dharma, Dhamma,& Sangha,Taoism, Zen, Connecting with YOU, My History, the Triratna Buddhist Community, My Path to “True Insight into the Nature of Reality”, the Importance of Spiritual Friendship & Community or Sangha, Be Here Now, I’m Only Here to be of service to You; Fellow Spiritual Seekers! (originally http//:Dharmamitra.Org which now is Buddhist Insight.Com)


A Compassionate Friend & Follower of this Blog Informed Me that the Videos that I Create & Post are not operating.  These  are  important, a video can transmit more understanding, both in what I am able to communicate and what the viewer is able to receive. They’re spontaneous, unscripted, nor outlined, nor edited, nor even a “second take,” as they say in film and video production. All the talks are “Live Recordings”– just me being me, with an Intention to share some information or instructions, as well as being completely transparent, vulnerable, whole, authentic, and I’ve been told entertaining, which is also important. Who would be inspired or encouraged by someone passionate about sharing what the fruits of practicing meditation and the Buddha-Dharma, if that person isn’t genuinely jovial, happy and having fun with Life?

There are MANY Instructional & Led Meditations, Dharma Talks & Video Blogs/Vlogs on the Web. But what’s unique about these is that I share, from my Heart, from the Present Moment, pertinent personal experiences from “my” life as a “Stream-Enterer.” Which is paradoxical in the sense that the effect of this experience of Emptiness, or “Insight into the True Nature of Reality,” Non-Dual Abiding, etc. (Various names that I’ve found to describe the same Experience) is the dissolution of perceiving self as separate from everything else. Of course, in order to use language, it requires the use of subject-object dichotomy. Part of the humor in the videos stems from this paradox.

The Point of this Blog is Assist Others on the Path to Stream-Winning and Beyond! But I stick to my own experience, which is not common, but part of that reason, I believe is that many Buddhist believe that it’s possible, but probably not in this lifetime, or not without the Buddha around, or only for monks in Asia, etc. These self-imposed limitations run deep in many practitioners, and of various paths. While still others throw around lots of New Age terminology and are hindered by the opposite end of the  Wrong-View spectrum. Sometimes I wonder if people who put “Ascended Master” as their Screen Name or Job Description on FaceBook believe that just talking about it, and maybe trying to “Chemically Induce” Insight requires no path, no practice, and no difference between one approach and another. Perhaps the Buddha’s teaching of the Middle Path, although not specifically about these Wrong-Views, can still be useful in navigating the path between these two extremes. There are infinite starting places, but one Absolute Reality, and it’s Omnipresent, and available to everyone. Some are just closer to it than others. We All have the same Potential, but we are Not are equal in the actualization of our ultimate potential.

That is not to say that one must be a Buddhist to discover the experience of Enlightenment. The Buddha did it without a Buddha, or Buddha-Dharma, and he was clear about the fact that there have been Buddhas in the past, and others in the future that will find the same path again, without the aid of the Dharma. Words are just Sign Posts, pointing to the reality they represent. So the specific words aren’t essential.

I use Buddhist terminology because that is my training,  but since “my” Experiential Insight arose, it has made it obvious from hearing others that some with great knowledge of Buddha-Dharma have very little Experiential Wisdom. While l know of a few different people and Spiritual Teachers i.e.Eckhart Tolle & Adyashanti, (as well as a friend of mine with no desire to share or teach, has had the same experience without any formal training, but plenty of applied effort, discipline and the necessary suffering to motivate one to break through to Insight)  although their Teachings are different in some ways,  they point to the same experience as that I know, and certainly well beyond mine.

I understand completely how it’s not too uncommon for Buddhist (I have known several people, including myself, especially while on long retreats) to truly believe they’ve experienced Nirvana. I certainly have on two occasions since being on the Buddhist Path (First was when I experienced what I later realized was the Fourth Dhyana in meditation, and again with this last one, which I have realized is Stream-Enterer, as well as other terms , some of which I mentioned already).

Again, it’s important to note that from the Buddha-Dharma, that the Experience that Arose in me is the Beginning/1st Stage of  Enlightenment. If I were not a long-time/well-educated Practitioner/student of the Buddha-Dharma, I would have no real understanding that this was the Beginning of the End, and Not the Ultimate Awakening (Bodhi or Nirvana/Nibbana), because it certainly has some significant attributes of Nirvana,

So, although Eckhart Tolle is one of my “Root Gurus” and a constant inspiration (& I’ll confess to having a “Man Crush” on him: ) ), who Truly Exemplifies and Embodies Pure “Consciousness” (his terminology), and Adyashanti has been indispensable in helping me understand and articulate my Non-Dual Awakening, and all of the after effects of this Experience, it takes a Buddha to identify another Buddha, so I am can’t say whether or not Eckhart Tolle is Fully Enlightened, he’s evolved beyond my experience, and I value his teachings greatly, despite the clear distinction that he hasn’t outlined a clear set of instructions, which has happened with many historical people who are clearly highly evolved.  But, Nirvana as the Buddha tried and succeeded to Teach others is impossible to describe, but it the Highest, Complete, Awakening attainable (at least in this Cosmos), and why it’s historically called “Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi” which means “Supreme Perfect Enlightenment; Supreme Correct Awakening , or another translation is Supreme, unexcelled, perfect and equal enlightenment.

As I was trying to say, I can relate to those that experience Non-Dual Awakening and think it must be Nirvana, because “I” don’t actually exist (neither to you, or the computer, the tree, dog, sun, etc. And I mean that very literally. None of “things’ exist as we perceive them and us, as separate entities. Intellectually this is easy to make sense of, everything is inter-connected. That’s simple! Experiencing it and Being it, and not being able to see things as things, are as different as reading Hunter S. Thompson and actually Dropping Acid for about a year.

One of the aspects of this Stream-Enterer is Absolute, Unshakable Faith/Confidence in the Buddha-Dharma, as well as the one I mentioned just before–the Actualization/Realization/Experience the Truth of “No-Self” (Anatman in Sanskrit, Anatta in Pali), which is one of the “Three Marks” of “Conditioned Existence” which is another way of saying Samsara, of which the path to Nirvana is The Path to Cessation of Samsara.

But that’s enough for now, I am fixing the cause of My Uploaded YouTube videos from not playing, and will Repost them as I fix them,
Thank You, & I am Here to be of Service to YOU, so Just ASK! 🙂 🙏🙏🙏

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Our Mission Statement:

Sharing True Insights from the Noble Path of Genuine Happiness, Peace, Mindfulness, Meditation, Sobriety, Freedom, & Spiritual Experiences. (This is designed to be an Interactive Platform; Thus YOUR Participation is Essential.) We Share Our Own Experiential Knowing & Insights that Arise from True Wisdom; Thus We Speak from Our Hearts, Minds & Souls…. We Avoid Spewing Abstract Philosophies, Second-Hand, Recycled Ideas, Regurgitated Information from Outside Sources, Opinions Based On Subjective Beliefs, Fleeting Feelings or Thoughts–PURE Consciousness is Void of Subject-Object Dichotomy…. Instead We Inspire an Awakening to Oneness; PURE AWARENESS; Embracing Vulnerability, Honesty, Freely Open-Hearted Communication & Wisdom We’ve Obtained Via Direct Spiritual Awakenings. (I Follow an Ecumenical Path of The Buddha-Dharma, Heavily Inspired By Chan/Zen Schools: Buddhism with Strong Influences of Taoism & Exalted Sates of Meditative Consciousness. My Root Gurus, Still Alive are Urgyen Sangharakshita & Eckhart Tolle; Through Which I “Entered the Stream,” Broke the First Three Fetters with Arising of True Insight into The Nature of REALITY, Thus Awoke as a Modern Day Bodhisattva. Also, 12-Step Recovery Work & True, Jungian Psychoanalysis are Vital to My Path of Awakening. More Info on the “About Me” Page of This Blog. All Writing is My Intellectual Property and Protected by ©Copy Rights RESERVED, Unless Otherwise Stated. ©

Welcome to Dharmamitra Jeff Stefani’s Video Blog 11/16/2012

Welcome to Dharmamitra Jeff Stefani’s Video Blog 11/16/2012 for
On Mindfulness, Happiness, Meditation, Buddhism, Dharma, Sangha, Taoism, Chan, Zen, Social Media, interface, Dialogue, Triratna, Community, my dog; Jewel, Connecting with Fellow Seekers of Truth, on the Path to Enlightenment, Psychoanalysis, Spiritual Friendship, Teaching, Sharing, Interactive dialogue, communication, Here and Now, Day 1.

You say, “I want to know myself.” You are the I. You are the knowing. You are the consciousness through which everything is known and that cannot know itself. It is itself. There is nothing to know beyond that. And yet all knowing arises out of it. The “I” cannot make itself into an object of knowledge, of consciousness. So you cannot become an object to yourself. That is the very reason the illusion of egoic identity arose because mentally you made yourself into an object. “That’s me,” you say, and then you begin to have a relationship with yourself and tell others and yourself your story.


Eckhart Tolle: “The Power of Now”, “A New Earth”, “Stillness Speaks”, 
Are there two of you? The “I” and “Myself”? How can one say: “I want to know myself”, “I want to…anything”

 I want to not want anything. See the paradox? Who or what is the “I”, and who/what “wants what”? How can you want to b e Enlightened? Enlightenment is Free from attachment,  free from craving,  or wanting…”it” (isn’t even an it) transcends Subject-Object dichotomy. 

Once one “Enters The Stream“, “Breaks the first three Fetters” to Nirvana,  this experience is inexplicable.  Everything becomes ineffable at this point.  The laws of language,  and psychological concepts are rendered pointless/ This experience is marked by “True Insight into the nature of Absolute REALITY” is a direct experience of Truth, Reality, the Transcendental, Insight, Vipassana (Vipassana has one primary meaning,  and that is True insight into the Nature of Absolute Reality.  It is secondarily used as to term for certain types of Meditation that are, ideally,  focused on the cultivation of True Insight (As opposed to Shamata (Samatha in Pāli), śamatha Sanskrit) The tertiary meaning which is, somewhat unfortunately, the most common use of the word, and it used to describe a specific, “name brand” style of Meditation. “Vipassana International” is a particular meditation approach as taught by S.N. Goenka,  which his specific,  non-sectarian, or a actually, a secular (secular defined as: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis: secular buildings | secular moral theory. Contrasted with sacred)  approach to teaching Mindfulness Meditation. One the upside, its “borad-spectrum,” secular  approach makes it the most common “Buddhist” meditation taught around the world,  to the most people,  which is certainly a helpful tool. It is simply Mindfulness Meditation, or Satipatthana (satipaṭṭhāna in Pāli, smṛtyupasthāna in Sanskrit) which means Calming, Focusing meditation.

There are some Significant issues relating to “Vipassana the Experience,”  and “Vipassana the Name-brand” that i wish to point out are simply that The dichotomy of Shamata and Vipassana is not accurate,  as commonly used. There are all sorts of types of buddhist meditation , such as Shamata, Vipassane,  Sadhana, Visualiozation, Cultivation of Positive Emotion (such as the Metta Bhavana; the Cultivation of Universal Loving-Kindness)  Mantra recantation, Walking Meditations, etc. Although in general Meditation is divided into these two types: Insight (Vipassane) and Calming/Focusing (Shamata.) However,  this dichotomy is somewhat false or simply theoretical,  because ultimately, Wisdom and Compassion are two sides of the same coin. If one practices with dilegence and Skillful Intentions,  the results will be the arising of Insight,  thus Wisdom,  and with Wisdom,  compassion is a natural by-product.  For once one Truly arrives at true Insight,(and I speak from Direct,  Experiential Knowledge,  as I have Entered the Stream,  Broken the first 3 Fetters,  or simply put,  I have Vipassana,  in the strictness sense of the word) one arrives at the Experiential Wisdom,  the Insight that ALL “things,  “Everybody” is more than simply inter-connected, but ultimately, there is No Subject, nor Object,  just Oneness, Emptiness,  Shunyata, Śunyata, the Primal Void…. Which may sound Nihilistic,  which is a common misunderstanding,  but in the Dharmic sense; Empty means empty of independent,  intrinsic,  separate existence. Void is Full,  and Full of Emptiness 🙂  This seeming paradox is why it’s an Experiential Insight,  ineffable,  and can’t be learned or understood, it must simply be Experienced.

So here in lies the rub: you cannot have one without the other! And,  Both are contained within each other. I have seen many people exemplify “Spiritual Arrogance” in declaring that they practice Vipassana… as though it is some Badge of Honor,  something that says: “I don’t simply meditate to focus,  I do it for Insight/Wisdom.”

My whole point is that they are all simply different facets of the same Gem. You cannot practice any meditation well without a solid foundation of Shamata! I don’t care what Lama or Guru initiated you into any sort of sacred visualization practice.  It isn’t Magic! That is the essence of the Dharma; that things arise in Dependence upon certain conditions.  Its basically Mathematics,  NOT Magic.

I recommend to everyone that I teach meditation to, to alternate meditations. (Assuming you’re somewhat serious about meditation,)  you’ll have a DAILY practice,  usually ranging from 20-60 minutes per day, everyday…sometimes LONGER,  twice per day,  then sometime go retreat,  and sit 8-12 hours per day. This may sound like a lot of work, and it most certainly can be,  and it can also be effortless and BEYOND Rapture and Bliss.  I recommend that one practices Mindfulness of breathing one day,  then the Metta Bhavana the next.  This will build focus,  calm,  intuition,  integration of your conscious and subconscious,  integrating all of your energies into the same focused direction.

The Results are simply Profound: mindfulness tunes-up your metal abilities,  and gives the power of strength,  focus, “mind-over-matter.” While the Metta is Cultivating positive emotion; Universal Loving-Kindness.  If you practice these two meditations, earnestly,  whole-heartedly,  with pure intentions,  you MIND will become the most potent and powerful ‘thing’ you’ve ever imagined,  and you will RADIATE LOVE! You will sleep soundly,  animals and children will be attracted towards you,  health,  intuition,  happiness,  insights, capabilities…everything that great about you,  and SO much more will only be MAGNIFIED,  to an unlimited degree and magnitude!! 🙂

Dharma Mitras Venerable Eckhart Tolle & His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Dharma Mitras Venerable Eckhart Tolle &  His Holiness the 14th Dali Lama

“Only by #awakening can you know the true meaning of that word.” Eckhart Tolle, “A New Earth”

Dharma Mitras (Friends of the Truth teaching, the Dharma) Venerable Eckhart Tolle & His Holiness the 14th Dali Lama.
True Dharma Bothers, Spiritual Teachers, to Buddhist, Humanists, Secular and ALL. Great Wisdom, and Teachers of Love, Compassion, Friendship, Forgiveness, the power of Now, a New Earth, and Absolute Truth aka The Dharma.
~With Mindfulness; strive on!

Be Here Now: Enjoy this Precious Present… The Power of Now

Be Here Now: Enjoy this Precious Present... The Power of Now

“The Power of Now”
“When you listen to a thought, you are aware not only of the thought but also of yourself as the witness of the thought. A new dimension of consciousness has come in.”
~Venerable Eckhart Tolle

“Stop Looking outside for scraps of pleasure, or for fulfillment, for Validation, Security or Love—
You have a Treasure Within that is Infinitely Greater than the world can offer.”
~Venerable Eckhart Tolle

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