Category Archives: Spiritual Evolution

Enlightened Science: Technology & Meditation

Cover of "The Science of Enlightenment"

Cover of The Science of Enlightenment

The US Department of Defense is pushing for the development of cheap, wearable systems that can detect the brain waves of people and display the data on smartphones or tablets. His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, Enlightened American Buddhist Meditation Master Teacher & Author, (Ordained in 1970, in the Shingon Buddhist Tradition, of Japan) Shinzen Young is also a Scientist, Mathematician, Shinzen proposes such a device for Meditative Biofeedback, in his book: “The Science of Enlightenment” and elaborates the potential how and why such a device could, and why it should be designed, built, made affordable, portable, and accessible to be utilized to streamline the Enlightenment process (Not in anyway inconsistent with the Buddha’s Dharma, but applying available technology to how and where it can optimize (not a ‘magical shortcut,’) benefitting performance, assisted with advanced technology, for the most Noble of All Intentions, & the Wisdom to apply it effectively!
Biofeedback is nice for “pre-test anxiety” ,and other issues….but this is application and allocation is lacking Real Insight. The implications of Enlightened implementation and design of technology…If there ever was a more realistic and wise approach to addressing any and all “problems”…this is a Transcendental Solution. The paradox is that the deluded minds are not even aware of the levels and nuances of corrections possible, nor the actual issues to addressing. The real issue is the False View that the Egalitarian Ideal we fight so hard to “prove and uphold” is based on a “delusion.” (Technically it is delusion, although there is no judgment of “pathology,” it’s the technical phenomenon of an illusory perception of separateness, dualism. This is all duality, Insight is experiencing directly the non-dual Reality (Emptiness, Śūnyatā, constant fluctuation of factors that give the the impression on an independent self, which is No-Self, anātman, anātta, at essence.)
We have equal potential, but, we are all nowhere close to equal actualization of this potential. Pride and attachment to what is “right” is hindering the greater potential for freedom, equality and socio-political evolution. Do I suggest a “Dictatorship, based on one Enlightened Leader? Actually, yes, I do…in theory, but theory and practice are far from reality, furthermore, to put into practice and maintain, I don’t see how it could happen while maintaining “Separation of Church and State,” which is a necessity. Please do not misunderstand, I proactively support, promote and  Equal Rights for All Sentient Beings, I simply know that this would not even be an issue, if the there were an Enlightened Monarchy…Okay ,so my Wikipedia research to recall the traditional Autocracy, Monarchy, Oligarchy, Dictatorship, Totalitarianism, etc. Well, the US is considered by many critics, and understandably so, a “Corporate Oligarchy” or an “Economic and/or Media Oligarchy”! Furthermore (this shows how little I know of political science) Enlightened Absolutism (a term used throughout Europe  particular Leaders, and Russian Tsar: “Catherine The Great.” Then occurred the evolution into the Age of Enlightenment, which The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, the American War for Independence, The U.S. Constitution, The Bill of Rights are considered to have been highly influential in this time…. Go figure! (Well, I don’t anyone would argue that the current State of the Union is remotely similar to Jeffersonian Idealism, or John Adams’ passion for Liberty, Justice, and the Pursuit of Enlightenment! (I Highly Recommend the Biography “John Adams” written by the popular historian David McCullough. It won a 2002 Pulitzer Prize, and the HBO Mini-Series of the same name, based on the novel, with an amazing amount of Historical depth and detail, and equally as well produced, and acted: starring the great Paul Giamatti. A true FIVE*****STAR film.) Then I read about: Meritocracy is a political philosophy that holds power should be vested in individuals according to merit. Advancement in such a system is based on intellectual talent measured through examination and/or demonstrated achievement in the field where it is implemented. (Sounds very much like the concept I described, but in practicality, it could only be effective built upon a foundation that holds several dramatically significant suppositions. (And, reading how “Osho” tried to instigate such a system is quite frightening of a realization! That’s a whole new story, too.) I learned a lot through this process. I hope any reader will examine their own egalitarian views, or whatever view one may hold that is detrimental, conscious, or not. “My views” are/were both conscious, but with unconscious implications that I now must assimilate and integrate. Try it…it’s AWESOME! Breathe into the Truth, and feel the “mantra:”… “I DON’T KNOW. (just a matter of fact, no identity attached. It’s quite liberating. 😊💚🙏
   On that note, I adamantly and proactively promote gender, ethnic, racial, religious, and caste/class equality, and All Living-Rights. (Let me take this moment to ask you to research the fact that there is no Federally mandated nor protection for Equal Rights for Woman (I would prefer this were Not an issue, Living Rights covers gender, race, religion, animals, etc… but this particular issue of equality is relevant at this time. some States have adapted, but did not pass with necessary votes…It was close, but still, three States need to support the Constitutional Amendment Support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). See: ERA Education Project, about the Documentary Film, for video updates and the current press for the new Constitutional Legislation.”Right-Effort” which is dependent upon the most conducive conditions to attain Enlightenment, Nirvana, Nibbana, Satori, Technology. Shinzen Young is uniquely qualified to hypothesize such a design, having developed an extremely high degree of Enlightenment, and also advanced Science understanding (Not an engineer, but a highly Enlightened Scientist. Shinzen understands the conditions, techniques, and intensive practice of meditation for many years to Awaken Bodhi, as well as a sense of how such an application, if used properly, could potentially reduce the chronologic length of time dramatically. (much time is spent honing meditative abilities, and EEG is just one element of technology currently only available at tremendous cost, similar to fMRI machines, making it totally impractical.)
Currently several Universities and Hospitals use such technology, and the Science Professionals are actual mediators, but nowhere near the same understanding of the requirements to go beyond Meditative significance as methods of traditional Allopathic Treatment, and Wellness. This is more of an approach to educate and immerse the practices to Transcendental Insight, and the Supra-Mundane-

Buddhist Biofeedback for more efficient meditation success, more beneficial to All Beings: Portable EEG with Smartphone or Tablet Application, affordable Meditation Biofeedback Device, Dept of Defense seeking Designs

The Next iPhone App for Meditation?
The US Department of Defense is pushing for the development of cheap, wearable systems that can detect the brain waves of people and display the data on smartphones or tablets. His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, & Enlightened American Buddhist Teacher, Meditation Master & Author, (Ordained in 1970, in the Shingon Buddhist Tradition, of Japan) Shinzen Young is also a Scientist, & Mathematician, most of all, Shinzen Proposes such a device for Meditative Biofeedback, (with other technology applied for same purpose) in his book: “The Science of Enlightenment” and proposes; how & why, such a device could & should be designed, built, be affordable, portable, & accessible, for a “Greater Purpose” & utilized to streamline the Enlightenment process…. (Not in anyway inconsistent with the Buddha’s Dharma, simply applying available technology to how and where it can optimize (not a ‘magical shortcut,’) benefitting performance, assisted with advanced technology, for the most Noble of All Intentions, & the Wisdom to apply it effectively! ~Dharmamitra Jeff Stefani, Scientist & Supra-Mundane Insight & Skillful Means.

Wisdom, and the True Intention of Buddhist Meditation is not to treat anxiety and Hypertension, nor prevent Alzheimer’s, from a true Buddha-Dharma perspective, all of these efforts to “advance medical therapies, to add comfort and treat Allopathic Pathology is quite analogous to “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic!”

 This is a matter of dramatic, and actually quite drastic re-prioritizing relevant capabilities. This will not be understood from the modern, western medical and academic paradigm, the need for Enlightened Researchers, or at least the guidance and direction requires the one managing efforts have this type of Insight. (It may require a new generation of Highly Spiritually Evolved Scientist (For example, if one understands the education system of Tibetans Buddhist, and the total immersion in Dharma & Meditation, from the age of 6, 8, 10 years old, year-round, residential conditions are highly conducive to producing Insight…if this approach was blended with what many other children begin to establish a career as the “brightest ,young minds at MIT or Cal Tech, and if one could train our children in both…THIS is the level of commitment ideally needed, and breadth and depth of training which has hitherto been, literally, unheard of, but the type of education and training that, from the perspective of one with Insight, could not be of greater importance. And could be the chance to truly use Enlightened Technology, designed, produced, and organized in a manner that could significantly alter the course of the World, and which may be the ONLY Wise use of bright, young minds, with the propensity for Spiritual Evolution.
Our Egalitarian Views, so coveted as our “advanced society” is a False-View. (We all have the same potential, but by no means are we are equal in the actualization, there of. These coveted, grossly delusional (illusory perception) views may be the downfall of the entire Human species, and the rest of the Earth with it.😟
Shinzen references the state of the World, and that perhaps if everyone who seeks Enlightenment were to commit to practice with full earnestness, this often takes 40, 50 years, and the International Affairs calls into question, the State of International Crisis, and the notion that 50 years may pose impractical, due to the state of political, violent aggression, and environmental crises, compassion, of one aspect of One acting for the sake of Empty Reality, and knowing that THIS ls “attainable”… if utilized…the Tipping Point/Critical Mass could be reached so much more efficiently, with so much less, unnecessary suffering.

Meditation Biofeedback device that’s effective and affordable is brilliant, with profound, potential implications (originally hypothesized by His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama and Shinzen Young (Shinzen Young  discusses potential of this *general kind* of, effective & available to the general population, EEGs & fMRI-type go results, facilitating a Biofeedback device for greatly increased efficacy in Meditative/Spiritual Awakening practices. *Also noting that there is “magic bullet” or anything inconstant with Pratityasamutpada,  Paticcasamuppada (The Law of “Dependent-Origination” the Causality, “Conditioned-Coproduction” or “Dependent-Origination.”) Simply put; it’s not too good to be true, or something from nothing, just optimized effort and feedback, only improving efficacy dramatically…Ethics, Meditation & Wisdom aren’t “bypassed or shortcut” only efficiency & effectiveness…although these impacts could reduce linear timeframe incredibly…%10 to %1 of linear time are purely speculative, although not unreasonable, according to Shinzen Young’s hypothesis, which he adamantly & clearly states is not simply speculative…but feasible!

My own life experience in Meditation, Insight, passionate life-long fascination, education and continuing education in Neuroscience; Neurophysiology , Neuropsychology  & Neuroplasticity  which has been a lifelong fascination, double-majoring in Medical Physiology and Psychology was, at the time, a stepping-tone to medical school, and Neurology…but opted for “Buddhist Seminary” instead of medical school. Shinzen Young is a “little different” (that’s an understatement) He did not do well, and failed math, but entered a Shingon Buddhist Monastery, in Japan. I find  Shinzen’s book a true “breakthrough” in Buddhist, Meditation, Buddhist Meditation, and as an expression of the Awakened Mind, with wonderful piercing Vajra Wisdom (Diamond..or Lightening, but here it means Diamond, radiant, clear, extremely multifaceted) and SOLID, Hard, Science Methodology: “The Science Of Enlightenment ”  to be penetrating, perceptive, profoundly inspiring and extensively, far-reaching, and  brilliantly assimilated treatise on Supra-Mundane Wisdom of the Enlightened Mind, cohesive, and eloquently expounded upon with the foundation of  Advanced Scientific logic and thoroughness!

(Example: My dad and brother are both attorneys, and one sentiment I have heard repeatedly is one that I relate to myself, only with an education in one of the Hard Sciences in counterpart. They have often said that Law School does not really teach one: “how  to be an Attorney” but; “how to Think like an Attorney.” After a “Pre-Med degree, and all the chemistry and physics and mathematics, and the Biology, foundations, plus my emphasis, is a *lot* of serious science courses…and I just recalled how my professor for a full-year of Statistics and then Probability Mathematics, summed it up well. He said: ‘If you walk away from this course and forget everything, and can’t tell a “median” from an “average”, that does not really matter. What I want you know is when you read a “Statistic” in the News, or anyplace, you understand what it is saying.”   I can honestly say that it had a profound impact on how I process “statistics” as often cited in “popular society” i.e. ‘This New model has a %145 more horsepower!’ The number doesn’t even register before I am looking for the asterisk* to see “..More than WHAT?” “*an engine %145 the size of the new one.” Or whatever absurd vagueness is passed-ft as statistically significant. A science Degree is the same, you forget specifics of The Krebs Cycle, (What is the net-gain of ATP-molecules per cycle?) but you will never think about the “Scientific method” the same, or “Causal and Correlational” or “proven,” someone without the years of ‘reformatting’ one’s logic to The Scientific Method. (I worked as a Paralegal for years, and Medical Physiologist, and I do give one awesome massage…but that’s not really gained from learning Anatomy and Physiology, that’s a ‘gift’ of some somatic intuition, or intuitive healing. The tears of writing Legally Binding Contracts has helped Socratic Logic, but Not-So-Much an eloquent style of writing! :-/ )😉

If anyone (considering  the Experts in Mind-Body Studies, Mindfulness-Based Medical and Scientific Research, MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) made hugely mainstream through the work, research, teachings and writings of Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD Molecular Biology, and many others, in many ways: Dr Siegel, MD Neuropsychiatrist, or the Neuropsychologists leading these fields, i.e. Drs Hanson, Goleman, (PhD) etc.) is in a position to have the Scientific Knowledge,  Shinzen is not Neurophysiologist, but has some advanced degree, and deep understanding of and Physics, but the real significant factor is the Awakened Mind, or Bodhi, which with a general foundation in Mathematics (It’s ALL Mathematics, after all 😉 but seriously, it is..when it comes to communicating effective abstract logic, reason and modeling formulas, is the foundation for all advanced “hard Science“) and Physics, with a keen interest, at least, in Neuroplasticity and related Meditation and Neurosciences,  and the direct experience of Knowing how and where the “general destination” lays. (I don’t know if he’s = samyaksambodhi, if not, clearly in the upper echelons of Bodhi-ness. I only “have” (experience of…) enough of Transcendental  Insight  (Wisdom) and Neuroscience (Knowledge) to know that of anyone I am aware of, Shinzen Young is the most qualified to make such a reasonable, “educated” & Insightful, broad-ranged, hypothetical assessment. (Not “speculation”…a generalized hypothesis, founded with Direct Knowing of Awakened Mind,   and advanced Science understanding.

The point is that if Dr.Kabat-Zinn knows 100 times more about he Neuroscience, and is a skilled meditator, with extraordinary (literal, beyond or above “ordinary”) wisdom, that magnification, or efficacy of knowing 1/100 (all these numbers are arbitrary, but the formulation being an exponential/logarithmic expression is founded in Experiential Insight, or Wisdom,and is an “educated guesses”…quite different from speculation, which is a guess without any real foundation in facts.) the Neuroscience specifics, is not even close to equal in holistic, integrated, assimilated understanding by he Awakened Mind. which not a gross exaggeration to say that knowledge of science increases relatively linearly (not exactly, but for all intents and purposes of this consideration, the Wisdom element increases mental capacity exponentially, so if Shinzen’s Insight is  degree is 11-fold greater, and neuroscience is 1/100, the wisdom aspect is far more appropriate to describe as 1 x 10^100 (Which is = 1 with 100 Zeros… One Googol) times the depth and breadth of piercing ,radiant, wisdom. (This is not speculation, either, it’s very vague hypothesis, based on experience…although the arbitrary 100 is, well, arbitrary. If I formulated an educated (Transcendental Wisdom and learned/innate Knowledge), knowledge with wisdom would “guesstimate” some exponential Fibonacci NumberFibonacci Sequence, or Number, but exponentially calculated, or applied, none-the-less.

~Dharmamitra Jeff Stefani, Scientist & Supra-Mundane Insight with Skillful Means.

[“The Science of Enlightenment” by Shinzen Young, Enlightened Buddhist Teacher, with profound Meditation experience, Transcendental Insight, Wisdom, experience, Knowledge and Advanced Science and Mathematical Training, penetrates to the essence of What and How the Scientific Method applies to the Buddhadharma and Meditative Insight.]  😊💚🌍🌀🙏


We Build Walls to Protect Out Heart: Turn into Prison Walls of Isolation

Tripitaka Koreana stored at Haeinsa (해인사, Temp...

Tripitaka Koreana stored at Haeinsa (해인사, Temple of Reflection on a Smooth Sea) is one of the foremost Chogye Buddhist temples in South Korea. It is most notable for being the home of the Tripitaka Koreana, the whole of the Buddhist Scriptures carved onto 81,258 wooden printing blocks, which it has housed since 1398. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We build walls around our hearts… our protective walls become our own prison walls, "safety" at what cost? Self-imposed isolation. Fear-Based solutions are problems in the making. Emotional protection leads to emotional imprisonment . Heart Walls become Prison Walls. Dharmamitra Jeff Stefani

We build walls around our hearts and lock all our doors and wonder why nobody ever saves us.                              Protective walls become Prison Walls of Isolation.            Victim Mentality.

[•This Post is About the Image: We build walls around our hearts and lock all our doors and wonder why nobody ever saves us.  Protective Walls Become Prison Walls…Victim Mentality…Mind the Gap, and Transcend from the cyclical, mundane path or Reactive Mind (Samsara), to the “Transcendental Path,”  also called “The Spiral Path,” or “Path of Creative Mind” as well as “The Unconditioned” &  “Supra Mundane”  Post starts on next line…you’ll see where it ends___________ the line, the rest is Scripture/Asian Canon ref]

Truly so”..even more so; a truly common phenomenon… Wise observation, and Creatively expressed (Referring to the Text Image)

I am intimately familiar with this phenomenon; I have spent years, ‘not-living’, barely surviving, hobbled by self-imposed isolation, Mindlessness, stuck in, feeling sucked-in, this ‘Vicious Cycle’… Fear-based, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, My Perception = My “Reality”,  where Delusion Permeates All, Inability to differentiate Truth from False, Loss of Direction, No Orientation,  a different Mask for everything, My Protective Walls = Now  Prison Walls.

I find it strikingly similar to the paradoxical properties of an ‘Autoimmune Dis-ease‘ dis-functions: instead of protecting ‘Health’ from illness by ‘attacking’ invasive Pathogens, the Immune System produces Illness by ‘attacking’ itself/the host.

‘Auto-Cognitive Dis-ease:‘ instead of continually evolving greater/higher conscious-awareness, expanding wisdom, enhancing the experience of life, with ‘Ease’ of ‘Oneself‘…  Contrary to Auto-Cognitive Dis-Ease of Oneself, where one’s own Mind produces illness by ‘attacking’ itself… reducing conscious awareness, constraining one’s capacity for free-choice diminishing one’s experience of life, of self, and on-and-on, a truly vicious cyclical.

I know it may not be easy to change one’s momentum, yet it is a simple  process of change…Knock Down, or walk-through ‘the Wall’ (also simple, & gets easier with practice) & Empowering to Not be a ‘Victim‘ who believes I Need “Saving”… Framing Dependency upon Actions of Others, which only perpetuates the cycle.

Asking the right person for help: Is genuine intention, honest, proactive, “Beaten into a state of reason,” humbled, reduced ego identity directly proportional to reduction in fear… Now is the Perfect Moment, the Catalyzing action, we change ourselves, the moment we transforms from a ‘victim’ into one whom deliberately ‘opened the door’ to unlimited possibilities. This opportunity only & always exists Here & Now. This is the moment, the quantum leap, from the Cycle of Reactivity, to the Spiral of Creativity, The intersection of the Infinite & Eternal, spontaneously creative, The Power of Now.

(Creating the term ‘Auto-Cognitive Dis-Ease’ to describe a  universal phenomenon, & fit contextual style…or ‘neologoautogenesis’ a new word to describe creating new words. ) Spontaneous creativity, Imperturbable well-being, free-flowing-focus, growing, neuroplasticity, ‘walking through walls’ and a fun, playful sense-of-humor are symptoms of ‘AnAuto-Mental Liberation:’ natural co-production, omni-expansive, holistic-being enhancement that is an inseparable aspect of the Spiral Path & Creative Mind.) (With the addition of the prefix “An-” subtracts the ”Self,”or shifts to “No-Self”, “adds” “Liberation”… Emptiness, at this point the whole analogy dissolves. No words are effective, or more accurately, all words are equally ineffective. Applying that as “understood”, Śūnyatā & Anātman aka Anātta are ‘relatively more useful,‘ yet, any further elaboration is moot, at best.)

(Random observation: I get considerably more usefulness from “dead languages” than spanish. Me gusta español, pero  I  use Pali, Sanskrit daily, & Latin (& Greek) for ‘Science’ (& for fun creating  words.)

*This Post is a lesson in Buddhism, without Buddhism. Meaning, it isn’t explicitly framed in traditional Buddhist Terminology (except for the references at the end) but the Buddha-Dharma is implicit, as is the •Abhidhamma, or Abhidharma, traditional Buddhist Psychology

________________________________________________________________________________________End_Of_Post_________ [EXTRA BUDDHIST, ASIAN CANONICAL REFERENTIAL INFO is just me on a tangent]_________________________

The Abhidhamma is one of Pitikas, (three Pitika comprise the Tipitaka, or The Pali Canon, the oldest Buddhist Scripture, from India, There is also a Chinese Buddhist Canon, Contains the Chinese Tipitaka as wells the Sutras of Mahayana Buddhism, as well as the Tantras of Vajrayana School of Buddhism, aka as Tibetan, and Esoteric Buddhism, and Tantric Buddhism.

Chinese Buddhist Canons (There are several version, varying from various Chinese Dynasties,  also called; “The Great Treasury of Sutras” differs by not containing the Udāna Pitika, but unlike the Pali, or Indian Buddhist Canon, The Chinese contains the Āgama Pitika, and instead of being etched in Banana Leafs, and sewn together (sewing together the banana leafs is where the term “Suttas” and “Sutras” comes from, the same root word as “Sutures” (as in surgical sewing) (The Tantras are the name for Vajrayana Buddhist Scriptures, which name is also derived from the construction process.)

Pali Canon, or Tipitikas, Three Baskets contain the Vinaya Pitika (The list of over 220 Moral, Ethical Precepts of theHistorical Early Sangha, the disciples of Gautama Buddha, aka Shakyamuni Buddha, the Historical Buddha. The same Vinaya Pitika Precepts are currently, and have been, maintained by the Theravada Buddhist Monastic Order of Bhikkhus (Monks) and Bhikkhunis (Nuns). The other two baskets, (Pitikas) are the  Utterances of the Buddha or the Udāna Pitika, (such as the Dhammapada) and the Abhidhamma (Commonly referred to as the Sutta collection of Buddhist Psychology)

A True Testimonial to the Mindfulness and Samādhi Absorption ofBuddhist meditation is evident in the  Tripiṭaka Koreana or Palman Daejanggyeong was carved into  blocks of wood between 1236 and 1251, during Korea’s Goryeo Dynasty, onto 81,340 wooden printing blocks with no known errors in the 52,382,960 characters. It is stored at the Haeinsa temple, South Korea.

The  Taishō Buddhist Canon,  is the Japanese Buddhist doctrinal collection in Tokyo, Japan.. Also there is a Vietnamese, Buddhist Canon as well, all together the re are Many version (One from each country listed, except China which has several, varying from Dynasties) of the Buddhist Canonical Texts throughout Southeast, East Asia & Asia Pacific

1 Buddha-Dharma/Dhamma: Bodhi, Sunyata, Anatta, No-Self; No-Other “Buddhism”

Picture of the role or function of a Buddha: t...

Imagery: A (the) primary role or function of a Buddha: to enlighten the path for other Beings to follow, so they too can cross the stream of samsara ro “reach the other shore” = Bodi ≈ Nirvana ≈ Nibbana ≈ Enlighenment ≈ Tathagatas ≈ Buddhas ≈ Dharma Cloud/10th Bhumi Bodhisattvas, & More terms… Dharma ≈ MANY meaning ,here it is symbolized as the lamp shedding light, as well as the Path (or the Raft on which they cross is a common simile used for the Dharma. Sangha are those in the water with you (or on the Raft, those following, those ahead, those on the other shore. Maha-Sangha is the larger Community of those on the Path, the AriyaSangha (Higher Community consists of Buddhas, Arhats, Higher Bhumi Bodhisattvas, those that have begun the stages leading to Bodhi (from Stream-Entry [a different stream analogy] to the higherst stages; Once returners, Non-Returners, then Arahants. (There is much debate between various schools, from 1 being better to different degrees of Nirvana, & some orthodox-type view that only Monks & Nuns that adhere to the ≈ 227 precepts of the Vinaya Pitika are actually Snagha, regardless of degree of spiritual evolution on the Path. (Then, many Buddhist Orders & Schools of Ordained, would not qualify as the Sangha, but using the Canonical references, it cab be easily argued that the Sangha ended with the Buddha’s Paranirvana, and can also be argued that it’s implied that spiritual support, teaching, training (both being taught and teaching), representatives of the Dharma, to effectively & accurately Teach, Share the great benefits of Buddhism, for the Sake of All beings, is the spirit of the Scriptures are drastically more relevant in the spirit & Friendship community, the transmission of wisdom that are key elements implicit in the Dharma, what the true function of Sangha is about. (Image cred: Wikipedia)

Across All of Space and Time  there is precisely One Buddha Dharma, One Buddha Dhamma, One School of Buddhism, and outside of Time; All of History, the Eternal Now, Future Aeons,  Only One Buddhism Assimilating the Sutta, The Middle Way, Bodhisattvas, Stream-Winners, Mahayana, Theravada, Vajrayana, Insight, Emptiness, Bodhi, Buddhas, Arahants, Dzogchen, Sōtō Zen, Gautama Buddha, & Endless Misconceptions and Misunderstandings about that which is called BUDDHISM! So, yeah, it’s not some 500 word Bullet Point Simpleton Gross Oversimplification. Depth & Weight!
[“All of Space and Time” is meant literally and figuratively, implicit and explicit, All-Inclusive of, but not limited to: Everywhere, Nowhere, All-Time, No-Time, Outside-of-Space-and-Time, and “Answers: D.) ‘None of the above,’ E.) ‘All of the above,’ F.) ‘The value of X = Undefined.’” That said; “F” is the Least-Incorrect answer )

Awakening to No-Self (Anattā, Anātman, Paññā, Prajñā, Suññatā, Śūnyatā, Paticcasamuppāda, Pratītyasamutpāda  After several weeks of assimilating The Buddha’s Inaugural Address First Sharing The Buddhadhamma, or as we say, “Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion”  And the shortened Pāli and Sanskrit titles  Pāli: The Dhammacakka Sutta,  Sanskrit: The DharmaChakra Sutra DharmaCakra (The Dhamma Wheel/Dharma Wheel  is one of the Ashtamangala, the Eight Auspicious Signs, or Symbols, and  Classic Buddhist Symbols

Thus I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying at Varanasi in the Game Refuge at Isipatana. There he addressed the group of five monks:

“There are these two extremes that are not to be indulged in by one who has gone forth. Which two? That which is devoted to sensual pleasure with reference to sensual objects: base, vulgar, common, ignoble, unprofitable; and that which is devoted to self-affliction: painful, ignoble, unprofitable. Avoiding both of these extremes, the middle way realized by the Tathagata — producing vision, producing knowledge — leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding.

“And what is the middle way realized by the Tathagata that — producing vision, producing knowledge — leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding? Precisely this Noble Eightfold Path: right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. This is the middle way realized by the Tathagata that — producing vision, producing knowledge — leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding.

“Now this, monks, is the noble truth of stress:  Birth is stressful, aging is stressful, death is stressful; sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair are stressful; association with the unbeloved is stressful, separation from the loved is stressful, not getting what is wanted is stressful. In short, the five clinging-aggregates are stressful.

“And this, monks, is the noble truth of the origination of stress: the craving that makes for further becoming — accompanied by passion & delight, relishing now here & now there — i.e., craving for sensual pleasure, craving for becoming, craving for non-becoming.

“And this, monks, is the noble truth of the cessation of stress: the remainderless fading & cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, release, & letting go of that very craving.

“And this, monks, is the noble truth of the way of practice leading to the cessation of stress: precisely this Noble Eightfold Path —

Perfect Vision, Perfect Emotion, Perfect Speech, Perfect Action, Perfect Livelihood, Perfect Effort, Perfect Mindfulness, Perfect Samādhi
The Mundane Eightfold Path — right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

Very Often  ‘samyak’ Skrt. ‘samma’ Pali is translated (from the Pali Canon) It’s far too broad of a subject for this context, but there is excellent reasoning and contextual semantics that demonstrate Perfect as a significantly more accurate translation of the meaning and context. Furthermore it has been well described as a differentiation between The Transcendental, or The Noble Eightfold Path (“Perfect”) with the Mundane Eightfold Path is described with the term “Right.” The aspect being modified with Perfect or Right has many, many variations. My experience, education and training  is not unique in the sense that it only applied to me, but unique within the ‘World of Buddhism,’ particularly among ‘Western Buddhist‘ for which I am beyond words of expressing profound gratitude. My Teacher is English, and not only profoundly Wise and Advanced Guru, (his fist experiential  Insight arose as a kid, (I can’t recall exactly) around 12 – 14 years old, when he found The Diamond Sutra at a bookshoppe [it was England, after all] back in the 1930s).

The Urgyen Sangharakshita, is “his” name, was Ordained in India (or Sri Lanka, the little details aren’t important, 15 years ago I “knew everything” about the specifics details, fortunately those details don’t matter, because he’s so good at Teaching the Buddha‘s Dharma!) was  greatly respected and admired (Both Very Rare for 1) a Western-born Monk, 2) a relatively Young Monk) he was asked to give talks all over India and Sri Lanka, which were later published in book form [“A Survey of Buddhism”], and used in Asian Monasteries for Western-born Monks & Nuns (Bhikkhus & Bhikkhunis, in Theravada Schools, Bhikshus & Bhikshunis in Mayayana Schools of Buddhism.) The first of his MANY published books on a multitude of aspects of The Buddha-Dharma. Although ordained in the Theravada Tradition, he spent ~25 years in India, (Sri Lanka and Nepal) mostly int Northern India, where he studied under the tutelage of the ‘Last Great Tibetan Buddhist Teachers (Tulku, Lama, Rimpoche, Rinpoche, that’s another story) as well as a Chinese Ch’an “Master” Yogi of Buddhist Meditation, (Chan in China, Zen in Japan, Thien in Vietnam, Seon in Korea , Dhyana in Sanskrit, Jyana in Pali  all mean the same,  which refer tot he Eight (8) forms and formless states of Meditative Absorption.)

He returned to England in the late 1960s and began Teaching The Essential Buddhist Dharma, Dhamma (I’m horrible with Tibetan Lnaguage or even the basic terms)/ What is so wonderful is his Profound Wisdom, Extremely Intelligent, being a Westerner, and Practicing within All the Major Schools of Buddhism, (and not like I have, but 25 years, obviously an English speaker, learning Pali, Sanskrit, Hindi and Tibetan, from the very teachers that the Dalai Lama (and virtually all the the modern (some are very old, but they’re “modern”) Great Tibetan Teachers, call “The Last Great Tibetan Lamas that were born, raised, studied, ordained and taught in Tibet. Which is directly relatred to it being the 1950s when China invaded Tibet and many of the greatest Masters fled to Northern India, which is how my Teacher, was able to study/practice/learn from, as well as the Chan  (Chinese Zen) and within the Theravada Order. He understands what aspects of Tibetan Buddhism are from Tibetan Culture, and the same with Indian, Chinese, Japanese Buddhism and the cultural aspects is assimilated as Buddhism spread from India, and basically from there, it moved Northeasterly, to Tibet, China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan, and then other stuff happened. (This isn’t a book on the History of Buddhism, I forget) 🙂

With a Westerner immersed in the East, two generations ago, when Buddhism (wasn’t called Buddhism very often. That’s another Western Invention, and why I tend to prefer the more accurate (in literal meaning, not just historical, I’m so concerned about sounding like I know what I’m talking about…Or maybe you’ve already realized that yourself! 🙂 (This shit is funny, and the utmost profundity, Live, Love, Laugh…or your Buddhist,  or whatever method of living, is NOT working! WAKE UP! Lighten Up!, maybe you’ll Enlighten Up, then!?!? Ahhh, I’m laughing and having fun, which is important,  but I don’t really do this typing for fun. Now is the background story I am explaining necessarily interesting, although it truly is Radically PROFOUND)
So , Westerner, excells amongst the greatest Dhamma and Dharma Teachers of the last century,  he has deep “attainments,”   is UNIQUELY qualified to understand the similarities and differences of the Three Major Schools of Buddhism (Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana (as well as Chan, Zen ,which are Mahayana, but have Significant Taoist  (and Confucian) Influences, He is then advised by Dhardo Rimpoche, to take the Dharma back to the West, and is uniquely qualified to understand the Western Mind-frame, culture, etc.

Because of this, my life is PERFECT, and I do whatever I can to help others who want answers, and solutions and life with immense joy and meaning, without the stress, drama and suffering. I benefited from ALL THAT, plus he has started and been teaching and running a Buddhist Order for ~30 years when I found him, and I’m sure he evolved and grew as a teacher of Buddhism in the West, over that ~30 years. I know one thing, and only one thing, that he was the Best Teacher for me, and Looked Hard for a real Guru, for seven years. (It has been about 17 years I have been his student, and  I KNOW “I’ve” experienced the Profound Beginning Stages of Enlightenment (And most Monks in Asia still think that this advancement is “possible” but probably not in this life, (or the next, but it’s progress.) Most Buddhist have that Mystical, magical Concept of these “Higher Stages” and to be %100 Honest, the Only reason I ever Shared about my relation with the Significance (Like in the Military or Education systems, there are certain, clearly acknowledged “benchmarks” along the Path to Awakening) I only share because 1) This False View, of the Magical, Mythical Advancement is a Major HINDERANCE to Progress on The Path. And because, I learned in “12-Step Recovery” when it comes time to announce an anniversary of sobrietry, that I did not want to to it, and my sponsor reminded that ‘We Don’t Do It For Ourselves; We Do It To SHOW the Newcomer That THIS REALLY WORKS!” (Now, quite thinking about your goddamn self and stand up, and do what we do!) ( I get misty-eyed just recalling this event, the yearly anniversaries that follow…and most of all, the decision to “come-out of the Spiritual Closet”) 💚😊🙏

And THAT’S what It’s ALL About!  (Not the Hokey-Pokey…well, Maybe?)
I don’t know what it would be life if I had had someone I could talk with, who had advanced significantly and could give me some pointers (Because that is another story, and not about my Dharma Teacher, but an “Awakened Being” that was able to catalyze my own awakening, after just a few hours of talking. (That and innumerable lifetimes to set forth these conditions, and the 1,000s of hours of Meditation and intensive Dharma Study, and everything else that were the conditions from which causes the Fruition.  So I’m guaranteeing a particular result, but I can guarantee the results will be PROFOUND!

(I cannot say if my teacher experiences Enlightenment, Nirvana, Nibbana, since “only Buddhas can know if another is a Buddha” (NOTE: Buddhas, Enlightenment, Nirvana, Bodhi, are Not actually “people” or things or an attainment, or an “experience” in the traditional sense. I have written and spoken on this plenty, from my own experience of Insight. Simply put it is absolutely impossible to engage in this world of the illusion of separateness, when the ‘experience,’ starting with “Insight into the True-Nature of Reality” is the Reality that this is an Illusion; there is No Duality, No Words, Views, Right, Perfect, Wrong, Buddha, Suffering, Pleasure, etc. It is ineffable (Cannot be expressed or communicated in any way, literally, inconceivable).  “it” must be Directly Experiential. The more one tries to comprehend this with Mind and Thought, the Further away one will be! 

That said; The is the Rupakaya, “Realm of form” which means, in this example, that we have words, language, subject, verbs, objects, and so the question might well be: “If you don’t exist, why are there so many words, and so many “my” and “I” and “him” and “you”? Here’s three perspectives: 1) When true Insight (vipassana) arises, and the the “first 3 fetters are broken” (there are “10 Fetters to becoming” one who Awakens, Bodhi, Nirvana, Nibbana, Enlightenment, Arhat, Arahant, all different terms for One “experience.”  The first fetter is the view, belief, perception, False, or Wrong-View of a separate Self (Separate from any and every ‘thing’).

Once true Insight, arises, once the Fetters are broken, that will Not change, it can’t be, like a slinky that’s pulled just past the “tipping-point” and the law of the world (gravity, inertia, mass, etc) that slinky is not coming back to that step. It knows, from experience, what happens. So imagine if the slink viewed the edge of the step as a black hole, it now see’s what it really is, it can’t go back to believing the illusion, but it changes everything..the illusion is smashed, it’s confidence is unshakable, and old attachments are gone. Knowing this, the slinky (the analogy breaks down here 🙂 ) There is not self and other, it may, or may not try to show other slinkies the Truth. It can still see the illusion, but it sees through it. 2) The Buddha said something close to: ‘In all the years of teaching the Path of Liberation, the Buddha has not uttered a single word.’ (That is, strictly speaking, the reality of Awakening to Reality, the Realization that Everything is Nothing, and Nothing contains Everything, one Awakens to Reality of one’s True Nature,  simultaneously, directly, necessarily Causal & Effective to the death, annihilation of Oneself. No, the goal isn’t Annihilation,  it is Awakening (It just happens that Awakening to Your True Nature also has the “side effect” of “killing” “You.” (A) You Never Actually Existed! (B) You loose You, But, In the Process of Losing the Illusion of You, No-Self Gains Everything, The Whole Universe (Which is actually Nothing…Do You Not Understand?? If the You Don’t, Then  We’re Making Real Progress. Be an Assassin of Concepts!

(Please be mindful of the precise language; it is misunderstandings of such truths, which propagated a still common misunderstanding of Buddhism as a teaching of Nihilism, which, if you’re reading this, you’re probably well aware that the Dharma is AKA “The Path of the Middle Way.” Which is not simply a middle point between to other points on a 2-dimentional line segment. There are two extremist, opposite Views, which are commonly held “Wrong-Views.” Nihilism on end (a person with these tendencies may be a Hedonist, ignorant of “the reality or law of Karma-Vipaka (Kamma) which is, put overly simplified is like Cause and Effect, nothing occurs in a vacuum, everything that happens is the outcome of previous Conditions…. Opposite extreme Wrong-View of Eternalism, one manifestation of this view is the austerities of an ascetic (as Siddhartha Gautama was before he realizing that ‘punishing, constraining the body in order to free the soul (the concept of a permanent, unchanging soul is also a wrong-view, which Anatman, Anatta (No-Self) applies), liberate the soul from the imperfect human, to find eternal (anything) Heaven or Hell, the eternal heaven justifies the Means of anything from self-deprecating to self-flagellating to Jihadism, and “suicide-bombing”. The Buddha’s Middle Way  Pali: majjhimā paṭipadā; Sanskrit: madhyamā-pratipad, is best envisioned in 3-dimensional perspective, not between, but transcending, the two extremes, between and above, as in a 3-D Pyramid.)

Semantic awareness and awareness of vagueness, and variation of the meaning, or the actual experience to which the word is representing, (again, a Sign Post that states “Grande Canyon National –>” is obviously (hopefully) meaningless and significant if it Is in Detroit, pointing at a Wal-Mart (Sounds a absurd, yet Buddhist signposts, such as: “Nirvana –>”  is actually more absurd than the Wall-Mart analogy, because in the world of form, just about anyone can say: “Pardon me, but the sign you have is not accurate, the Grande Canyon was a movie, not a Wall-Mart.” (Danny Glover, existential angst, good film,  c. 1990s) That is meant to absurd, but also an example of a word that, when it comes to semantics, is a relatively solid understanding. Where in the Realm of “Spiritual Experiences” the variables and potential misunderstandings increase in a true exponential fashion.

No-Self, Emptiness, Shunyata, Sunyata, etc, different words, One Reality.  and word are symbols ,signposts pointing at One and the Same Reality, Same Experience. The TRUE Actualization of Bodhi IS SILENT, INFINITE, & ETERNAL. No more, No Less.(period).  3) Shunryu Suzuki-roshi, explained this as directly and concisely, as he did so many times, in so many ways,  state it perfectly, simply, eloquently: “Strictly speaking, there are no Enlightened People, Only Enlightened Activity.” A person, a human being cannot be Bodhi, or Enlightened. This is as clear as 1+1=2. There cannot be the experience of No-Self, and also be a being that a) is a separate “self” by necessity if b) this “Being” perceives any separateness. There is No Real Bodhisattva that actually perceives themselves, truly, as an entity independent of any thing, or being. [2 ÷ 0 = Undefined, just as 2 x 0 = Zero, this is simple mathematical explanation (not simply a metaphor) of Reality. A being with value of Emptiness, is 0 & ∞ . But that is the law of this physical world, and understanding Absolute Reality does not mean one cannot understand, interact, engage with the illusion that is this conditioned existence, or samsara. I have already discussed this more than once in this format. The Truth is that a Bodhisattva and Stream-Enterer are Not Different. I get into the Linguistic semantics and scholarly evidence of How and Why Mahayana evolved. I know, it is %100 incongruity to conceive of anyone Breaking the First fetter Alone, to Not Know that All “Beings” are One, and the same. (The Practice of cultivating Bodhicitta is Absolutely Beneficial in Experiencing this Reality. But, If “one” does Experience Absolute Bodhicitta,  there is a certain irony to the “Bodhisattva Ideal” as being a “Higher Path” of Awakening, when the Fetter to Knowing, the Wrong-View, the Illusion of Self and Other that IS Samsara, becomes clear with Insight, Realization, Right-Vision of Absolute Reality, the Truth of Anatman, Anatta, No-Self. (The body of The Heart Sutra, the outlines in the Pali Canon, when seen with Right-View, when read by one with this Direct Insight into the True Nature of Reality, the Truth of No-Self, sees two perfect descriptions of One Experience.

(I am Not Theravada, nor Mahayana,  nor Vajrayana, nor Dhyana, Chan, Zen, etc. I am live by the the Noble Eightfold Path, See the Truth in Mnay forms, in All the “Schools of Buddhism, I am Just/All Buddhist. It’s True, strictly speaking “I” don’t actually exist, this World is Not as appears, a thin veil, a facade, a dream that the Human Mind assembles, assimilates, integrates, but not in the Perfect Health sense, as it does with countless other factors, information, stimuli,  an attempted Coping Mechanism, an ‘Ego-Defense System’. I do understand the “debate” the history, the Lineage, Direct Transmission, the Tantras that cannot be written. All that, including All Else is precisely, Perfectly Fine, just as it is! I hold No View over such matters; Only Direct Experience. No “Conditioned Phenomena” can or does add to, or take away from, that which cannot be added to, divided, reduced, manipulated, etc in Any Way. This is the Nature of True Reality, Ultimate Reality, Absolute Truth. (different names, One Reality.)

Amoghasiddhi is “my” Sadhana, Dogen-zenji exemplifies the Buddha-Dharma, Dhardo Rimpoche was/is a Living Bodhisattva-In-Action, the youthful Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche radiates Buddha-DharmaShunryu Suzuki-roshi Transmits Pure Buddha-Dharma, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodrom, Thich Nhat Hanh, Shinzen Young, and on-and-on… Eckhart Tolle  Exemplifies the meaning of Buddha-Dharma, infinitely  more clearly than many “Buddhist Experts” and Knows this Truth of Absolute Reality (IS’ness, Being-Not Being, nothing relative about Absolute Reality.) Eckhart Tolle  is A Bodhisattva, No-Need whatsoever to Identify oneself as Buddhist, there is No Buddhism, per se, (This is the topic of a whole other article, Post, in this blog) “Buddhism” is a Western Invention, to make sense of Buddha-Dharma, which is One not Many.  yet it is not about becoming more Buddhist, more alike, it is the opposite of confirming, it is liberating,  it’s about showing You who You Truly Are, and Who/What You’re Not! It’s the “Instruction Manual for LIFE”!)

(NOTE: Some Western Buddhist use Initial Capital Letters (as some Lawyers say: ‘initial caps’) to denote a specific implication or definition of the word. I am one of those that understand “Insight” to be a very specific meaning, radically different than the word: “insight..” One problem I have with that isn’t understanding the difference, it stems from working as a Copywriter, where I developed a habit of using Initial Capitols on Everything!  hence the addition if the adjective, the modifier: ABSOLUTE + REALITY = Reality.

I have come 180ª on this. For years I only wanted to (and did) Practice with Dzogchen, Naked Awareness, or Shiken-taza, and I’m debating the Efficacy of various practices, just the misunderstanding (by those without Real Wisdom) that there is no Difference in the results, the fruition. As I said in here somewhere. Now, the Truth us apparent in at least 84,000 Dharma Doors…The Dharma  (I do apologize, the scope of this went from minimal to WHOLISTIC  (I can make my own rules..Holistic is Whole, not Hole, in the Approach to Treatment. So why is not spelled with a “W”? (I’m sure there’s a great lesson in linguistic Semantics, but I am falling asleep!)

As Dogen said: “People like what is not true, and they don’t like what is true.’

[That was actually not, relatively, an Epic tangent, I DO prefer “Stream-of-Consciousness” style of communicating in a talk or written format.  Which is why I don’t think this Blog is working out. I have received a couple super wonderful bits of feedback, but I am “blindfolded without an arm and a leg” as far ability to effectively communicate in this format which I hoped would be Interactive…anyhow, I know there’s several ways to contact me if the right person, at the right time, find this message. Dharmamitra Jeff Stefani, (In the Detroit, Royal Oak, Michigan area, USA, but I interact with 1,000s of Buddhist, MOSTLY in India, and Southeast Asia. There are many ways t Connect,  so let me know if there’s anything you’d like to share, or ask,  or just..”whatever”! (Until my book gets published, and then, it’s all Spiritual Teacher Rock Star Mode…I’ll be hangin’ with Eckhart Tolle and the Dalai Lama, and in popular demand!  If ONLY we could talk now?!)

[Seriously, You ARE at least chuckling, right? I’m Laughing a Lot..this serious shit is also funny!  If you are not, PUT DOWN the Computer, and just {{{ B R E A T H E }}}….., and just rest you mind, and feel feeling, observe all the feelings, thoughts, images, desires, etc,  just like Cloud in a Big Blue Sky…and Just Relax, as It Drifts In, then Away, and Dissipates into Pure Blue Sky…

Back to the Dhamma of the Pali Canon!
“Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: ‘This is the noble truth of stress.’ Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: ‘This noble truth of stress is to be comprehended.’ Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before:’ This noble truth of stress has been comprehended.’

“Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: ‘This is the noble truth of the origination of stress’… ‘This noble truth of the origination of stress is to be abandoned’  … ‘This noble truth of the origination of stress has been abandoned.’

“Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: ‘This is the noble truth of the cessation of stress’… ‘This noble truth of the cessation of stress is to be directly experienced’… ‘This noble truth of the cessation of stress has been directly experienced.’

“Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: ‘This is the noble truth of the way of practice leading to the cessation of stress’… ‘This noble truth of the way of practice leading to the cessation of stress is to be developed’… ‘This noble truth of the way of practice leading to the cessation of stress has been developed.’

“And, monks, as long as this — my three-round, twelve-permutation knowledge & vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be — was not pure, I did not claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities, Maras, & Brahmas, with its contemplatives & brahmans, its royalty & commonfolk. But as soon as this — my three-round, twelve-permutation knowledge & vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be — was truly pure, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the cosmos with its deities, Maras & Brahmas, with its contemplatives & brahmans, its royalty & commonfolk. Knowledge & vision arose in me: ‘Unprovoked is my release. This is the last birth. There is now no further becoming.'”

That is what the Blessed One said. Gratified, the group of five monks delighted at his words. And while this explanation was being given, there arose to Ven. Kondañña the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye: Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation.

And when the Blessed One had set the Wheel of Dhamma in motion, the earth devas cried out: “At Varanasi, in the Game Refuge at Isipatana, the Blessed One has set in motion the unexcelled Wheel of Dhamma that cannot be stopped by brahman or contemplative, deva, Mara or God or anyone in the cosmos.” On hearing the earth devas’ cry, the devas of the Four Kings’ Heaven took up the cry… the devas of the Thirty-three… the Yama devas… the Tusita devas… the Nimmanarati devas… the Paranimmita-vasavatti devas… the devas of Brahma’s retinue took up the cry: “At Varanasi, in the Game Refuge at Isipatana, the Blessed One has set in motion the unexcelled Wheel of Dhamma that cannot be stopped by brahman or contemplative, deva, Mara, or God or anyone at all in the cosmos.”

So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma worlds. And this ten-thousand fold cosmos shivered & quivered & quaked, while a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the devas.

Then the Blessed One exclaimed: “So you really know, Kondañña? So you really know?” And that is how Ven. Kondañña acquired the name Añña-Kondañña — Kondañña who knows.

Dhardo Rimpoche

Dhardo Rimpoche: One of Nine Modern tethers in the Triratna Buddhist Order & Community’s Refuge Tree (Photo cred: Wikipedia)


Semantics in the evolution Buddhist Dharma: Buddhas, Arahants, Bodhisattvas

picture of a wallpainting in a Laotian temple,...

picture of a wallpainting in a Laotian temple, depicting the Bodhisattva Gautama (Buddha-to-be) undertaking extreme ascetic practices before his enlightenment. A god is overseeing his striving, and providing some spiritual protection. The five monks in the background are his future ‘five first disciples’, after Buddha attained Full Enlightenment. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The Intention is a Forum; to connect in community and communication, open to Anybody & Everybody, about “Spiritual Awakenings,” about Buddhism or more accurately, the Buddha-Dharma, Buddha-Dhamma, Bodhidharma, Bodhidhamma (the list of words and terms that point towards the Experience of “Transcendental Awakenings” in longer that this whole Blog), and are only as relevant as they are Useful, as well as it is the path I followed to get from there, to Being Here Now.

It is about Buddhism, as how one that is Immersed in for so long, so intimately, that it is interwoven  into the material of the Material World (and that is more Literal that Figurative.) About Spiritual Evolution, about Semantics and limitations of writing, the written word, and how effective, ineffective, misleading  and inspiring, how useful.

This format has not proven a very useful means of connecting and conveying. (That’s not to imply that I have not Learned & continue to learn incalculable  lessons, and the process will continue. It is somewhat ironic, and actually quite funny, how I trained to be “Teacher of Buddhism,” with how an Experience (a recognized ‘benchmark’ on the Buddhist Path, has produced Both an Absolute Confident/Faith is the Buddhist Path yet significantly loosened attachment to such Concepts.

I suppose it is similar with other “Religions” where there is often contrast between the how One has an Experience, (a by-product of the experience is an innate gesture of intent, an intent to Share as much as can be shared about how to access the Insight, that is accessible to Everyone) AND how this ‘process’ has been “corrupted” by, or when, someone without the same degree of Insight, then tries to add their own commentary, or have an attachment to concepts, which unintentionally corrupts the “purity” of the original Intention, the original Insight. (With this awareness, I have both an inherent  wish to share the Experience, the understanding that Experience can Not be shared, but “sigh pots” can used to help guide, and Mentor those whom “Walk the Path” and Open-Minded to accept the “right hand” that is being offered as assistance with “Navigating” the Path (which at times appears convoluted.)

But, occasionally I find something, such as this,which began via a Facebook interaction (which for all its strengths & weaknesses, has ben very useful for connecting with people, and taking that connection and putting the intention of this  Blog, into action, directly, interpersonally, and with drastically more quantity & quality. Not that this WordPress format doesn’t have tremendous potential, it’s a matter of intention and audience.

This is the link to a great story; Truly Epic! With the commentary and responses, which I think is very relevant to this Blog, and the intention.

Yes, Yes! Good Points, [Names excluded in this reproduction] Lovely perspectives Precious Friends! Semantics is inherently vague. There is relevance & redundancy in both terms Karmayogi in action & Bodhisattva-in-Action, the Etymology & meaning of both terms have “in action” as fundamental attribute. Yet, these are Infinite-faceted phenomena, infinite-dimensional, names, forms, perspective, realms, intentions, actions, acting-without-acting, etc. Words are words!

As I implied in the posting comment, I don’t know his state of consciousness, or intention, maybe this guy had “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” which *could* produce the same actions, w/ *way* different intention.
I *do Know* that Perspective is dependent upon “Insight into True Nature of Reality” which is just a phrase, and like all words & terms, point at an *Experience* the Experience, the opening of “Dharma Eye” or whatever paradigm and perspective one uses, or does not use.

Misunderstanding, Wrong-Views, relative perspective, etc these *Effects* of lack of “Insight” & the creation of various Words is the *Cause*!
In the case of Buddhism, the evolution of Mahayana, the “Bodhisattva Ideal” is an effect of misunderstanding words or semantics, & relative perspective, caused by lack of Insight.

• From the direct “Experiential Insight” of Anatman/Anatta renders any view or debate of Arhat/Arahant vs. Bodhisattva obsolete. I was taught this intellectually by one the most world-renowned Buddhist scholars (as well as 30+ year practitioner) & he explained the evolution of linguistics from Pali to Sanskrit and so on, which made perfect sense.

*But, when the Insight arose in “me” of anatta/anatman, Emptiness,then intellectual understanding was obsolete, absurd, & funny. I spent many years trying to understand, conceptually, the assimilation of such concepts in the context of different “schools of Buddhism” & other religious views. It’s a rather analogous to when the Europeans told the Native Americans “This is Our Land!” And the natives could not comprehend that concept. The native perspective is “We belong to the land, the land does not belong to us.” As is analogous of two fleas, arguing over who’s dog it was that lived on. 🙂 ❤

Ultimately, there is no” Real” me, you, Bodhisattva, Buddha, yoga, Rickshaw, Facebook, computer, Mahayana, Theravada, suffering, etc.
Now, it’s perfectly clear, where different, subjective perspectives have influenced the Buddha-Dharma and where Insight is clearly conveyed. The Heart Sutra & the Pali Canon explain this phenomenon clearly, if one has the eyes to see or the ears to hear. Gautama Buddha said: In all my years, I have not uttered a single word as Buddha.” And the Suzuki Roshi put it best: “Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as Enlightened people, only Enlightened Activity.”

So, this is what I know.

•Of coarse, these are just words too 😉 _/\_ ❤  [The End]

Alan Watts Teaches Meditation- SHUT UP, AND MEDITATE! (Much from “You’re It!” by Alan Watts)

Buddha, Kamakura, Japan

Buddha, Kamakura, Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Much is taken from “You’re It” by Alan Watts,  a Great Audio Book,  I Highly recommend.

Published on Apr 28, 2012
Meditation is the way in which we come to feel our basic inseparability
from the whole universe.

‘God As Political Philosopher: Buddha’s Challenge to Brahminism’ is an must-read

Buddha with the Elephant Nalagiri

Buddha with the Elephant Nalagiri (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pournelle's Political Axes

Pournelle’s Political Axes (Photo credit: Vince_Lamb)

“On the second day of Jaipur Lit Fest, the author of the book ‘God As Political Philosopher: Buddha’s Challenge to Brahminism’, Kancha Ilaiah, while signing his book copies, said, ‘Buddhism in ancient India was the first religion to institutionalize the concept of justice, the concept of dharma.’ The book projects Buddha as a political thinker and translates the precepts of Buddhism to a political theory for running a state with equality and justice.
A note on the book published by Popular Prakashan says the author demystifies Buddha whom he sees as a man and not a god, and as India‘s first social revolutionary who rejected the caste system, and inducted low caste members into the sangha and made them his trusted advisers.

According to the book, in contrast with contemporary Hindu society, Buddhism not only gave women an honoured place in the sangha and but also gave dissent a constructive in it. In contrast with contemporary Hindu society, Buddha gave women an honoured place in the sangha.

In the book spread over 244 pages, it is held that Buddha also propounded theories of the state, the individual, and the role of society with the signal difference that he also put his ideas into practice. However, the European scholarship sought to deny Budha‘s relevance as a thinker, while nationalistic Hindu historiography sought to subsume his achievements into a monolithic Hindu past.

Divided into eight chapter, the book talks about the life and philosophy of Buddha and tries to show its relevance to democracy and administration with justice.”

[Directly Quoted from Article, Just News & A LINK to Original Article]

Buddhist Insight Vlog: Purifying Karma, Samskaras & Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis: What is It?

Psychoanalysis: What is It? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Published on Jan 10, 2013
I may seem a little distracted at first…but that’s not the case, I as just trying to find my clear direction with so much that I want to convey, and It’s ben a while since I Vlogged that I had to try to actually have some idea of what I wanted to say, otherwise, I would STILL be talking 🙂
I Talk about Dealing with Samskaras, or Karmic, Habit Energy, and what I’ve done since my Insight arose to help facilitate the purification of my Karma and Samskaras, to be the Most Affective from of ME as I can possibly be. R
I make good recommendation for those on the spiritual path, and what leads to break throughs, and who I find to embody the teachings best: Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield, Sangharakshita,  Pema Chodron, etc. What Insight is worth, and most importantly that it is a Real EVENT on the Spiritual Path,  the Buddhist Path,  to Transcendental Insight, Emptiness, Sunyata, or Shunyata…and how Audio Books are more useful in many ways.
And I contemplate How and Why I can be of any assistance to YOU…. (I do it to try to offer whatever little bit I can. So if there’s ANYTHING you’d like to ASK or “Discuss” I encourage you to PLEASE; JUST ASK! This Isn’t About “me.” It’s” About Us”….

Why is Not the Question, But How… How to Accept and Love Unconditionally

(This is my reply to a comment by Lisa Pearlman  bellow, from the

The Master Shift – The Meditation 12.12.12 – Guided Meditation for World Unity, Peace & Love

but seems relevant enough to stand on its own, plus then I added some more details and a visual aid 🙏😄💚☯♻🙏)
Beautiful! It just depends on one’s definition of “coincidence.” Two angles (I first typed angels) that fit together perfectly, are said to coincide, forming a coincidence. The semantics of the word has changed over time. Synchronous is another word for it that has kept it’s meaning; e term coined by Carl Jung to describe the affects of the Collective Unconscious.
But the Reality exposed with Transcendental Insight, Stream Entry, Bodhisattvahood, etc, shows the Ultimate Truth: That there is no such thing as random. It’s a Perfectly Just Universe, with All things manifesting from the conditions that created them. That is a Universal Law. That is the Fundamental Experience of what marks Nirvana in the Buddha-Dharma, or Buddhist Cosmology, which is not theory or belief, or thought, or feeling, but Fact…an Absolute Reality.
Now trying to understand all the causes and conditions behind the events that lead to an Experience, whether that be your brother’s passing, the shooting in CT, or your stumbling upon my Blog, are FAR TOO MANY…INFINITE, in fact. So it’s an Unanswerable Question, as to exact “WHY” of “ANYTHING.”
(Other than the overall truth that if were any other way, than it wouldn’t be how it is. It IS, because it Is. Pratītyasamutpāda (Sanskrit; Pali:paticcasamuppāda) is commonly translated as dependent origination or dependent arising.****
So I do my best to utilize my Energy for Greatest, Most Skillful Actions and Outcomes. Speculating is an Unskillful Mental State. Instead, I strive for he Perfection of Acceptance, also known as Unconditional Love. THAT is the most Skillful use of This Precious Present Moment. 🙏💚🔆♻☯🌼∞🌿🌍🌀

The term is used in the Buddhist teachings in two senses:

  • On a general level, it refers to one of the central concepts in the Buddhist tradition—that all things arise in dependence upon multiple causes and conditions.
  • On a specific level, the term is also used to refer to a specific application of this general principle—namely the 12 Nidanas, or The twelve links of dependent origination. Is the ESSENTIAL TECHING OF BUDDHISM, ENLIGHTENMENT a.k.a. Nirvana.

The concept of pratītyasamutpāda (in both the general and specific meanings) is the basis for other key concepts in Buddhism, such as karma and rebirth, the arising of dukkha (suffering), and the possibility of liberation through realizing no-self (anatman). The general principle of pratītyasamutpāda (that everything is interdependent) is complementary to the concept of emptiness (sunyata).” Definition from Wikipedia…who would have thunk that Wiki would be so spot-on!?!?

The 12 Nidanas,  or 12 Links twelve links of dependent origination. It may look like a Bog ol’ Mess…but it’s a diagram that shows the paths of “Conditioned, or cyclical (Samsara) existence, and The Gap  that through Mindfulness and Meditation, one is able to transcend cyclical existence, and enter the Spiral Path to Enlightenment, Nirvana. Explained more in my Blog titled “Mind The Gap


The Master Shift – The Meditation 12.12.12 – Guided Meditation for World Unity, Peace & Love

Guided Meditation for World Unity, Peace & Love

Master Shift, Meditation, Mindfulness, World Peace, The World, A New World Order, Spirituality, Awakening, Awaken to Oneness, Unity, Community, Oneness, Being, Love, Awareness, Happiness, Peace, Gratitude, Wisdom,

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